Friday, 27 November 2015

Audience- User Gratification

What uses of gratification means is how you get pleasure, and as we are doing it on media it is how do we get pleasure out of using media? What we learned from this lesson was how do we use films in order to get enjoyment out of it? The media and film industry focuses on making films at their target audience which is 16 to 24 year olds. This is what they focus on how to make their money.

The acronym used for Uses of Gratification is PIES
Personal Identification
Social Interaction

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Pete Fraser- Media Talk

Today, we were asked to go to the assembly hall as Pete Fraser came into to talk to all of the Media Studies students about the course and to give us some tips about the course and how to get the most marks possible. Pete showed us some students past film openings and we the as a group would discuss why the film opening was given the grade it was awarded and what its strengths and weaknesses were. This was very useful as it is gave us a lot of tips how to make ours better and this also will give us a better chance of getting the marks that are available.

All together we were shown four film openings from four groups, between the film opening all of the groups were awarded a level 1, 2, 3 and 4. Pete also gave us a top tip that was to improve every little thing we can, this is because all little things that are made better all add up to a big difference which could end up getting us a better grade. Lastly, Pete recommended that we checked out this website - This is because they give of a lot of film opening and text on how to use titles in the opening and what makes them the most effective and how to create a good level film opening.


Synchronous Sound - Diegetic Sound
Is where you see something and you hear the thing that goes with what your looking at.
An example would be if you saw a phone ringing, you would hear the phone ringing too.

Asynchronous Sound - Diegetic Sound
This is where you hear something but you can't see where the sound is coming from.
An example would be the sound of sirens but not seeing the emergency vehicle.

Sound Bridge
This is a sound that links two scenes together.

Ambient Sound
Ambient sound is the background noises. If you use a combination of background noises you could create a soundscape.

Voice Over
Is where someone will narrate a scene. This would be used in Documentaries, it is not common to be used in Action or Thrillers.

Film Music

  • Symphonic - A large orchestra
  • Melody - A distinctive tune
  • Atonal - No established key
  • Rhythmic - Percussion sounds forming a beat
  • Dissonant - Non-harmonic

Stereotypes, Archetypes and Countertypes

As a starter we were asked to draw our thoughts of a typical french man, Scottish person, inner city youth and someone of Arabic decent. The whole point of this starter was to show how we all decided to actually draw 'stereotypes' of these people and what we thought of them from what we heard from the media. When actually all of these people are usually completely different from the stereotype.

Stereotype of a French Man:

Stereotype of a Scottish man:

Stereotype of Inner City youth:

Stereotype of someone from Arabic decent:

This is an instant understanding that is often negative, that we believe is real over time when we keep on hearing it on the radio or TV.

This is the ultimate stereotype. This is pushed to the points that it is not real anymore and is obvious by the way you are describing this person.

This is a representation that is the opposite of a stereotypical associations of groups, people or places.

The way in which people. events and ideas are presented to the audience. To break it down, the media takes something that is already there and represents is to us in that the way that they choose.

The male gaze (Laura Mulvey)

Cinema puts audience in a masculine atmosphere to watch the women on screen.